
  1. Installing Tincture

    September 4, 2017
    Tincture is up! Tincture is a group show, bringing painters Carol Bivins, Jona Lou Batt, Roe Libretto and myself together in one space to find connections between our work we’d imagined, but hadn’t yet seen. The Winning Coffee gallery is full, but not crowded, with big thanks to Roe and…

  2. Carrot Ginger Soup

    June 29, 2017
    Hello friends! Here’s the latest iteration of a Carrot Ginger Soup recipe I’ve been monkeying with since 1998, when I had some from a food truck man in Madison, WI. It’s dang tasty, and just about as healthy as you can get without a lot of trouble. Enjoy 1. FLAVOUR…

  3. Carnival and our Halloween process

    June 19, 2017
    This coming October, I and my family and friends will become the Mad Unicorn Collective. Together we will create our 6th annual Halloween spectacle, our creative gift to the Summit Park neighborhood specifically and Abq in general. This year the one-day theater event will be based on Jules Verne’s Journey

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