Conversation: Getting Into the Mindset of Making Money, with Kristine Maltrud
December 10, 2016Watch the 40 minute video Kristine Maltrud is the founder of Art Spark, an arts organization that provides support and training for artists developing a sustainable, professional creative practice. I’ve known Kristine for many years; when I was teaching yoga, we met for improvisational dance together at 500 2nd… -
New panels in process: Derrida, Foucault and Marie Vernet
November 9, 2016This series of paintings recapitulates arguments about the male gaze–my gaze as an Anglo male, heterosexual painter, and the gaze of many others–made by postmodern philosophers like Derrida and Foucault, and feminist postmodernists like Helene Cixous, 40 and 50 years ago. As an example, the painting of Marie Vernet uses…
Shifting Ground
October 27, 2016The Patriarch. Completed October 2016 in acrylic on panel, 16”x16”. I bought 20 16x16x2 panels from Albuquerque craftsman Bruce Loyd earlier this year. At the time, I hoped the move would help me expand the dimensions of my painting practice, firstly by giving me a bigger pool of panels to…