In process: new grounds
July 10, 2016After two weeks of chaos and destruction, I’ve wrung more space out of my studio. The plaster dust and nails are swept up, and I’m at last able to move forward on the 20 16” x 16” panels I’d prepped a ways back. In the images here, I’ve manipulated Fiber…
In process: portrait of Mindy Grossberg
June 15, 2016I am deeply moved by portraiture as a genre across media and across the centuries. I am focused on it, day after day, and I’m approaching it through a handful of threads joining my explorations into the labyrinth. One thread of them is about a desire to make a portrait…
Complete: Joey & Bowie, a Zine
June 12, 2016Now available: Joey & Bowie: A Dead Rock Hair Coloring Book. A 12-page Zine featuring drawings by Andrew Fearnside. $10. Email for your copy today Et In Arcadia Ego: in Latin, “Also in Arcadia.” But also, “And in Arcadia, I was.” Arcadia: a mythical period of whose residents…