Making Photographs
September 28, 2015Aaron Diskin, now a photographer and musician, and I went to high school together. At the time, our school had a photography program, including a darkroom, led by Jack Zichitella. Mr. Z provided us with the mentorship, information and resources to develop the idea that we were artists. All of… -
New Statement: FLOW
September 15, 2015My creative practice this year has often returned to the theme of flow. Flow is also, of course, a way to describe the movement of quantities–swarms of insects, rivers of water, murmurations of starlings, or light. Flow is a psychological concept, a mid-point between challenge and feasibility written about in… -
Process: Shifting the Shells
September 3, 2015The Shell/Shield show is up, and opens tomorrow. My inner landscape is shifting towards the next project: the as-yet untitled show at Zendo Coffee (thank you, Pilar!). I have three larger projects planned for this show: the Wall Fungus, Coleoptera, and the Kalachakra. The Wall Fungus piece I developed last…