Volunteer “logs” for First Unitarian Church

I am a Member at Albuquerque’s First Unitarian Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation of about 1100 folks. It’s been the site of lots of growth for me–in community, in faith, in philosophy, in attitudes towards justice and towards my own privilege and racism, and as an artist. One of the ways I’m involved is through Reverend Angela Herrera’s Worship Lab–a constellation of ministerial staff and long-time volunteers who work to create innovative services 2-3x/year. 

This image is from a Worship Lab contribution to our last Sunrise Service, held annually around New Year’s Day. Congregants posted blessings on the rolling screen above a fire I made from cardboard, paint and cut paper. It was a blast to make, and wonderful to see in use.

Thank you to Arne Gullerud, Kristin Satterlee, and the members of Worship Lab for the brain-fab that came up with the idea.

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