
  1. Storage: The Devil’s Puzzlebox

    2016-12-31 20:07:00 UTC
    Saturday, New Year’s Eve 2016… It’s becoming a tradition: during the holidays I blow up my studio. Makes sense; production slows down, tidying speeds up, and as things get cleared away I get a good long look at the bones of my studio. And then I start ruminating on ways…

  2. Side Project: Krampus and the Ass Hat

    2016-12-18 15:48:00 UTC
    I’ve always loved puppets. Seeing a giant puppet performance of Moby Dick as a special assembly in elementary school was a formative experience, prompting me to do my own shows at 10 or so using prefab puppets. I did an Anansi story, and after a bit did them for my…

  3. Unlocks, or: Psycho-Tetris

    2016-12-16 21:07:00 UTC
    I’m stunned again and again by the way my little brain works. I think I’m rational, but progress seems to come from interior interactions so complex they’re just baffling. Like a game of Tetris, in the dark. Inspirations, ideas, setbacks seem to fall through the mist of my daily life…

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